Sunday, August 9, 2015

Piggie Love

The story of how I became a Piggie Mama and Agatha and Sybill came to be sisters. 

Shortly after I moved into my place last year, the reality of living alone kicked in. But more than that, what sucked most, was not having any fur-babies to keep me company. As I live in an apartment block, I would have to go through an application process to have either a dog or cat. Not a major drama, but it requires filling out forms and getting approval from the other residents - too much for my impatient self. So what did I do? As any sane, animal loving, 20-something does, I got a guinea pig.

Meet Agatha... the MOST spoilt guinea pig in all the world.

Baby Agatha - she was approx. 6months old here, the day I got her.
People thought I was mad - what grown woman has a pet guinea pig? Guinea pigs are for kids... But I disagree. These little creatures are one of the cleverest out and Agatha fast became the love of my life. Corny, I know. When I'm home, she's never far from me. I love the softness of her fur, the little licks she gives when having cuddles and the squeaks she makes when I open the fridge door. Something my best friend, Emma, insists Agatha is acutely aware of... It is true, madam only ever squeaks when it is ME who opens the door! Told you they were smart. 

When I'm crafting, Agatha spends her time snuggled up on my desk in her snuggie...

We celebrate having her favourite treat of strawberry tops...

We enjoy afternoons on the patio knitting... 

But when I'm not home, she's alone, spending most of her time sleeping in her tunnel...

Guinea pigs are herd animals and need company. While Agatha is very much loved and has every treat imaginable, nothing can replace the companionship of another piggie.  Soooo this guinea pig mama got a major case of the guilts. How could I deprive my dear little piggie, who brings me so much love and happiness, of a friend? I couldn't.

I was determined to get my next piggie from a rescue/shelter. (Agatha, dare I say it, was a shop bought piggie - NEVER again!). So we looked - I say 'we' because I Agatha sat on my lap every time I searched online - and read many piggie profiles. It was seriously like online dating for guinea pigs!

First port of call was the RSPCA. There were often piggies available, but they were either at distant shelters or male piggies (not gonna happen!). Then finally one weekend there was a baby girl available at my local shelter... problem was, by the time I got there, she was already adopted. The following weekend I checked the site again. Three new baby piggies had arrived, 2 girls and a boy. So off I went, very excited that Agatha would FINALLY have a sister. When I got to the shelter, all ready to adopt, the attendant regretfully advised me that they had mis-sexed the piggies and ALL of them were male. My second visit with no second piggie to love...

By this stage I was feeling a little disheartened. But my stubbornness would not give in. I wanted a sister for Agatha and I wanted another piggie to love. That's when I stumbled across the wonderful guinea pig shelter, The Cavy Cottage. I gave them a call. Yes they did have a couple of baby girl piggies for adoption and yes, I could visit them that afternoon. Yippee!!! So off I went.

The staff were SO lovely and helpful. I first held a baby pig about 6months old, who was very sweet.  Full of character and confidence, yes, she would do well with Agatha. But then the lady brought out Sybill. Darling, baby Sybill. She was two weeks old. Abandoned during the cold snap down in NSW. The titchiest piggie I have ever seen! She had my heart instantly.

The introduction went much better than expected. Agatha shared her food happily and even allowed Sybill to snuggle for a bit.

Baby Sybill arrives home. 

Agatha is still adjusting to having a friend, and will occasionally give Sybill a little nip - more to show dominance than inflict harm. But every so often, I will catch her snuggling up to Sybill, being all protective and big sister-like. Then she'll realise I've seen her and literally kick Sybill away. Poor Sybill. 

And bath time with two piggies is always entertaining!

However, night time snuggles are the best. In my opinion it's one of the best ways to spend a cold winter's night - piggie snuggles, a hot cup of tea and a good book. 

Happy Sunday All!

H xxx

PS More can be found on Agatha's Instagram page - @adventures_of_agatha X

Friday, June 26, 2015

Give Me Back My Week!

Gah! Where has this week gone? I can't believe I'm already at the end of my first week of holidays. It has just flown by. While I have not been nearly half as creative as I would like this week, I have managed to tick a number of things off my to-do list. Like...

> Going to the dentist - for the first time in ahhhh 3yrs?!?! *Insert shameful face here* I swear, I didn't realise it had been that long!!! As one would expect, I have to go back next week for a filling (or 2)

> Having an eye test - as usual, my eyesight has worsened in the last 12months. But the optometrist did have a super sale on frames - cue new 'casual' glasses :)

> Finally getting myself to the post-office to post my 'important' documents - i.e. birthday card for my sponsor child in Nepal.

> Completing my citizenship application... I think after 22yrs it is time I officially made Australia home.

> Spending the past two days in a (compulsory) first aid training course... learning skills I already hold a degree in and educate people at work on. Go figure. But I did learn a new sling technique, so it wasn't all pointless.

So now that I've made a dent in my to-do list, I fully intend to get stuck into my creating and will hopefully have something to share throughout the week. Right now, however, I am spending my Friday night watching Bridget Jones while knitting a baby gift and wishing my Mr Darcy would soon appear. However, before you think I'm a total saddo, I do have plans for my actual weekend, which include GOING OUT and socialising. Yes. Hold on to your seats peeps, you read that right. I am going out. On a Saturday night. Like a NORMAL 20-something. Ha! Just give me a minute to claw my way out of all my balls of wool and switch the kettle off. And maybe trade the fluffy socks for heels - we'll see, it is winter.

H xxx

Sunday, June 21, 2015

New Start, Take 2

I have been meaning to get back to blogging for a while now. I even put reminders into my phone! I have thought of what to write over and over again. Yet I just couldn’t get it together. I use the excuse that life has been busy, but that’s just silly. Life is ALWAYS busy! I’d be worried if it wasn’t. So why am I so slack? I don’t really know. But it’s not just in the blogging sphere. I get lazy with soooooo many things.

At the end of my shift each day I get this wonderful feeling of excitement that I’m going to go home and do so much; scrapping, quilting, writing, errands, exercise – you name it, I intend to do it. But somewhere along the 12km drive (yes! Only 12km) from work to home I lose my excitement and by the time the key turns in the door I’m done. All I can muster the enthusiasm for is to make a cup of tea and sit on the sofa with a good book or surfing the internet. Then I spend an unmentionable amount of time wildly pinning things to my Pinterest boards and stalking my favourite bloggers for ‘inspiration’.

So here I am. Finally sitting down to write… and where am I doing this? Where has the inspiration finally struck and willingness evolved? In a doctor’s waiting room, of all places. It’s rather bleak in here actually, so I don’t know what’s excited me... Actually, why is that? Why are doctors’ waiting rooms always so blergh? It’s the same generic décor – old 90’s office chairs with faded watercolour oil paintings on the wall. Or if you’re really lucky, it’ll be cane furniture and artificial flowers that look like they’ve come off the set of the Golden Girls. Anyway, I digress… I very much doubt you want to sit and read about my thoughts on doctors’ waiting rooms, back to the point at hand.

As with previous years, this year I did not set myself any new year’s resolutions. Instead, I set myself some personal goals and aspirations – regularly blogging was indeed one of them, clearly I’ve excelled at that, ha! These were goals for all areas of my life. Personal, health, career, hobbies, social – everything. But here we are, half way through the year and what have I ticked off that list? Very little. Which sucks. It sucks big time. For me, the less I achieve in something, the less I have enthusiasm. Some people have the all or nothing attitude for winning and getting the job done. I on the other hand have the all or nothing attitude for losing. As in “I’ve stuffed up this much, I may as well just pack it all in”. This is something I’ve struggled with from the very beginning of my existence. Try as I might to keep positive and focused, it just doesn’t happen…

But now I am facing three lovely weeks of holidays, with no set plans and no set commitments. Exciting right? You betcha!!! Now is the time I’m going to cross off those goals on my list, starting with this little ol’ blog. So here’s to another new start and reaching my potential.

H x

Ps This was posted after my appointment... clearly I wasn't at the GP at 10:30pm on a Sunday night!

Pps Just so you know that I haven’t been completely useless the past 2yrs, here are a few scrap pages to enjoy!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Naughty or Nice?

Yes I know Christmas is still four months away, but today I ordered two new buddies...

I am so excited! These guys are going to join me on my European adventure this Christmas. The saying "can't wait" is a massive understatement.

Meanwhile, some baby love is happening over on the photo blog.

H x